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<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/dcb59a3a-7960-4a93-8e06-4b7f31946f18/D253EB7D-2C5F-4728-BDFB-A22853007691.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/dcb59a3a-7960-4a93-8e06-4b7f31946f18/D253EB7D-2C5F-4728-BDFB-A22853007691.png" width="40px" /> LeagueWidgy for Widgy


<aside> 🆕 What’s new in this version:

Added new widget supports for next match data. (Note: the API for next match data has a 5-minute update delay.)

Get ready for Season 2024!



Introducing LeagueWidgy: the first Esports scoreboard widget for Widgy

Long story short

LeagueWidgy is my most ambitious project/widget pack I have ever been working on, because it combines the best of two worlds: customization and programming. I love customzing my phone with widgets, and I also love programming and do code projects. They are both what I want to pursue in the future. But what if I can do both? It is not really about coding and making widgets at the same time, but it is about using my code as a source in a widget. I made it. I made it. Took me several sleepless nights for that. Very stressful but really worth it. And I cannot be happier to see my widgets are working as expected based on my code.

A bit context about this widget pack

The League of Legends' Worlds is happening now, and I would like to make one to see the results of all games that are played today. Because this Worlds is hosted in South Korea, I obviously need to stay awake to watch. Time zone sucks, right?

Main features

I hope you guys love LeagueWidgy (like I do) and also support me if you are interested.

QR code


Version history


Added new widget supports for next match data. (Note: the API for next match data has a 5-minute update delay.)

Get ready for Season 2024!